Advertising Order Process

Give your company visibility to the JoSS audience around the world!

Note: Special Promotional Pricing for Limited Time!


The Journal of Small Satellites (JoSS) will accept prepared advertisements or company logo links for products and services of professional interest to our readership, subject to the approval of the publisher, A. Deepak Publishing (ADP). All such ads and logo links will be placed on the margin of the home page at Acceptance of advertising does not signify JoSS endorsement of the product or service being advertised.

  • Large (230px x 270px) – $185 per issue (approximately four months) 
  • Small (230px x 100px) – $125 per issue (approximately four months)

Pre-payment is required for all advertising. We aim to publish the following three issues each year: Jan/Feb; May/June; September/October.

Please note: As a special promotional discount, all ads are currently priced at a flat fee of $50 for the remainder of 2022!


To reserve and purchase advertising space in an upcoming issue of JoSS, please download the Insertion Order Form here, or request an Insertion Order form by emailing or by calling 757-766-7990. Email the completed and signed Insertion Order as an attachment to Send digital file of ad copy, fully designed and produced, to according to the instructions below. You may send ad copy along with your insertion order, but payment must be received in full before ad will be published online in the upcoming issue.


Please create your ad copy, fully designed and produced, to the exact pixel size described above. Save as a jpg file and email as an attachment to Type your name in the subject line of the email (Subject: Your Name – Ad Copy for Upcoming Issue). In the body of the email, please provide the URL to which this ad should link.