Information for Authors

JoSS aims to publish high-quality, topical, peer-reviewed articles, as well as items that are of an informational nature that are determined by the Editor-in-Chief to be more appropriate as Letters to the Editor (LTEs). LTEs are published with more limited, but equally diligent, review.

JoSS Authors are expected to read, understand, and put into practice the following standards, practices, guidelines and instructions. The required submission cover letter (see Submission Package Checklist below) must include a statement attesting that this expectation has been met. 

To understand the steps of our peer review and publishing process, see:

For an overview of our ethical standards (including the steps to be taken in the event of discovery or allegation of unethical publishing conduct) and expectations of Authors, see:

For specific instructions, guidance, and templates to use in preparing and submitting your manuscript, please refer to: 

Submission Package Checklist for Authors

A complete JoSS submission package consists of: 

  • Cover letter, containing the following elements:
    • Title and JoSS Topic Area of your manuscript
    • Statement that you have read and followed the JoSS Guidelines for Authors, the JoSS PEMS, and the JoSS Submission Instructions and Template. Your submission will be declined for further action, if your paper has not been formatted consistently with this latter document.
    • Identification and contact information of the Corresponding Author, to be published with the article
    • Conflict of Interest statement
    • List of Co-Authors, a brief phrase clearly attesting to each one’s role and/or contribution as a co-author, and contact email addresses (Though only that of the Corresponding Author will be published, this provides back-up contact points and constitutes express permission to include Co-Authors on the JoSS email list for the JoSS Bulletin (JB)); 
  • Your manuscript, in pdf file format (editable file format will be required after acceptance);
  • The Copyright Transfer form, completed and signed; and
  • the Permission Request form, if any part of your article has been previously published elsewhere.