
Archival of Articles

Q1: How long will an article published in JoSS remain in archives, and who is directly responsible for upkeeping the archives?

A1: JoSS is published by A.Deepak Publishing (ADP), a 30-year old publishing house committed to the availability and preservation of scholarly research published in JoSS. JoSS and ADP are responsible for maintaining past issues in its online archives at, and is striving to ensure future accessibility to its published articles through third-party online archival institutions.

Author Fees

Q2: Is there a fee for submitting an article?

A2: During 2012-2020, there has been no fee for submitting an article for publication in JoSS, and there are no imminent plans to begin charging.

Citing Published JoSS Articles

Q3: How do I cite my article published in JoSS?

A3: Author. (Year): Article Title. JoSS, Vol. xx, No. xx, pp. xx-xx. Available at: (last accessed Month, Date, Year).

Example: Deepak, A. (2011): Welcoming Remarks. JoSS, Vol. 01, No. 01, pp. 1-3. Available at: (last accessed October 24, 2016).

Formatting – Length

Q4: Does the 20-page length limit apply to the Initial Submission only, or also to the Revised Submission? Does the page limit include illustrations, tables, and graphs?

A4: Yes, the page limit applies to the entire file (text, graphics, references, etc.) of both the original submission and the revised version, with reasonable variation, since no appreciable difference in length is expected between the two. Bear in mind that the specified page limit is a general guideline that is intended to provide some guidance to Authors about the total length of their manuscript, but is not a hard limit set in stone. Justifiable variance from this limit within reason in itself will not be cause for rejection of the submission.

Previous Publication

Q5: What is JoSS policy with regard to article submissions that are based on works previously published in conference proceedings or anywhere else?

A5: JoSS encourages publishing of original research, and we do require the transfer of copyright from author to JoSS with submissions. If a paper is “based on an earlier conference paper” published elsewhere (other than JoSS), and not different by at least 80% of the text, then the original publisher’s permission to publish it in JoSSonline should be obtained in writing on our form (see section on Information for Authors on this web site for all instructions and forms, top menu bar), and the publication source should be cited in the JoSS-published article. A paper that has been previously published elsewhere should include only a limited percentage (no more than 20%) of the title and content of the previously published work when submitted to JoSS.

Generally, papers describing essentially the same research should not be published in more than one journal or primary publication. Hence, authors should not submit for consideration a manuscript that has already been published in another journal, book, website, archive, or any other medium. Submission of a manuscript concurrently to more than one publication is unethical publishing behavior and unacceptable. The publication of some kinds of articles (such as clinical guidelines, translations) in more than one journal is sometimes justifiable, provided that certain conditions are met. The authors and editors of the journals concerned must agree to the secondary publication, which must reflect the same data and interpretation of the primary document. The primary reference must be cited in the secondary publication.


Q6: How do I submit an article for publication in JoSS?

A6: Your complete submission package consists of:

  • Cover letter, containing the following elements:
    • Title and JoSS Topic Area of your manuscript  
    • Identification and contact information of the Corresponding Author
    • Intention to submit Copyright Transfer and Permission Request Forms
    • Conflict of Interest statement
    • List of Co-Authors, email addresses, and a brief phrase clearly attesting to each one’s role and/or contribution as an author;
  • Your manuscript, in pdf file format (editable file format will be required after acceptance);
  • The Copyright Transfer form, completed and signed; and
  • the Permission Request form, if any part of your article has been previously published elsewhere.

    You do not need to send in the copyright and permission forms simultaneously with your manuscript, but we expect them within a reasonable amount of time (i.e., several days). Please be aware that your article submission is not considered complete without them, and will be held up from distribution to peer Reviewers until JoSS has received them.

    Your article should be formatted according to the template for Initial Article Submission provided in the section “Information for Authors,” (top navigation menu bar on front page of the JoSS website). Links for the Copyright Transfer and Permission forms are also provided there.

    Please send all parts of your submission by email to AND


Job Opening Announcements and Advertising

Q7: Can I announce a job/position opening in JoSS:

A7: Yes! Please send announcements to using the sample format below. We will place the announcement title on the front page of the JoSS website, linked to the full announcement within: 

         Position Available: Small Satellite Faculty

      Description (100 word limit): Institute for Atmospheric Optics and Remote Sensing (IFAORS), Taksha Institute, seeks advisors to teach two- or three-day short courses on subject matter related to small satellites. Payment commensurate with experience, expenses paid. Must submit your idea/curriculum/planned course handout materials for consideration.

      Contact: Send your resume/CV to

      Status: CLOSED (Please specify “Open until –date-.”)

Q8: Can I place an advertisement for a job/position opening in lieu of (or in addition to) listing it in the Job Openings section?

A8: Yes! We will publish position announcements free of charge in the section on “Scholarships, Internships, Faculty Positions and Other Job Openings.” But you may also purchase ad space to announce such a position for even greater visibility! See instructions for reserving space, preparing ad copy, and payment under “Advertising”, top menu bar.


Letters to the Editor

Q9: How is a Letter to the Editor different from other submitted articles?

A9: Letters to the Editor that provide constructive criticism of previously published JoSS articles, or points of view on innovative technologies related to small satellite topics are perfect for this section. These submissions are limited in length and are formatted differently from peer-reviewed articles, and they are reviewed and approved only by the Editor-in-Chief, rather than a panel of peer-reviewers. See detailed instructions in the section for Letters to the Editor.