Conference Proceedings Portal

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The following links are provided as a service to our readers, allowing access to the published proceedings of workshops/symposia/conferences.

AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites – 1987 to Present This Conference has become internationally recognized as the premier forum on small satellites, bringing together the best minds in the small satellite community to review recent successes, explore new directions, and introduce emerging technologies in small spacecraft development. In addition to creating an excellent environment for networking and talking with experts in military, science, and academic fields, the Conference offers a program of international relevance, focusing on the key challenges and opportunities facing the small satellite community today. All proceedings since 1987 are available at:
2019 INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION R&D CONFERENCE The American Astronautical Society is proud to have been a partner with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the International Space Station U.S. National Laboratory in organizing the 2019 International Space Station Research and Development Conference. The proceedings of the technical sessions and posters from the poster sessions are freely available at: 

Oct. 2014 – 6th European CubeSat Symposium This international symposium has attracted full attention from the community with more than 100 abstracts submitted from 31 different countries. Von Karman Institute and Swiss Space Systems are proud to support the CubeSat community by co-organizing this leading CubeSat event in Europe, for the first time in Switzerland. The full program consisted of seventy oral presentations in 11 different sessions.The program presentations are available for download at:
Nov. 2012

Presentations of ISSSAMOR I 2012: 1st Annual Symposium on Small Satellites for Arctic and Maritime Operations and Research (Washington, DC – Nov. 9, 2012). Available to participants only, at ; access code is required; write or call 757-766-7990.